Postdoctoral position in bioinformatic analysis of catalytic DNA molecules

Artificial evolution is a powerful method that makes it possible to isolate nucleic acids with specific functions (such as the ability to bind a ligand or catalyze a reaction) from large nucleic acid libraries. The group of Dr. Edward Curtis at IOCB Prague uses this method for a variety of projects, including to isolate catalytic DNA molecules (deoxyribozymes) that generate chemiluminescent, fluorescent, and colorimetric signals and to identify RNA-cleaving deoxyribozymes from structured nucleic acid libraries. The group is searching for a postdoc with a background in bioinformatics who will help to process and analyze high-throughput sequencing datasets generated in these experiments.


  • PhD or strong background in bioinformatics
  • Publication-proven experience in relevant fields
  • Ability to work independently but also as part of a team
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English

We offer:

  • An opportunity to work with biologists, medicinal chemists, virologists, immunologists, computational chemists, and biochemists at a leading scientific institute
  • Competitive financial remuneration
  • 5 weeks of paid vacation plus 4 days of personal leave
  • Health insurance and full benefits package incl. contribution to supplementary pension insurance and contribution to sports / culture/ leisure time
  • Meal subsidy
  • Financial support for parents with young children
  • State-of-the-art instrumentation portfolio

Additional information:

  • The position will be initially for 1 year with the possibility of extension
  • The starting date is flexible, but can be as soon as possible

How to apply:

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter summarizing their past work and explaining why they are interested in this position along with a CV, list of publications and preferably 2 reference letters by email to Dr. Edward Curtis: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript..

Suitable candidates will be contacted to arrange an interview. Please note that if you are not contacted within 4 weeks, we have given preference to candidates who more closely meet the criteria. Thank you for your understanding.

Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

IOCB Prague / Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a leading internationally recognized scientific institution whose primary mission is the pursuit of basic research in chemical biology and medicinal chemistry, organic and materials chemistry, chemistry of natural substances, biochemistry and molecular biology, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, and analytical chemistry. An integral part of the IOCB Prague’s mission is the implementation of the results of basic research in practice. Emphasis on interdisciplinary research gives rise to a wide range of applications in medicine, pharmacy, and other fields.
