PHD position - evolution of alternative genetic codes

PhD project description

For reasons that are still unclear, ciliates serve as an evolutionary hotspot for the emergence of various genetic code aberrations. The aim of the proposed PhD project is to reconstruct the evolution of the most common variant of alternative nuclear genetic code in ciliates and eukaryotes, where UAA and UAG codons encode an amino acid instead of translation termination. In collaboration with the Laboratory of RNA Biology of Protists (Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences), a student will reveal underlying mechanisms behind this major change of how information in the sequence of mRNA is translated into the protein.

What we offer

A 4-year Ph.D. position is available under the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. The position is funded by the Czech Science Fundation (salary, attendance of scientific meetings, research) and includes also a scholarship for PhD students.

Application process

We are looking for candidates with a strong interest in microbiology, evolution, and molecular biology. They should have experience or interest in learning some basic bioinformatics. They should be fluent in English (written and spoken) with good communication and organisational skills. The successful candidate has to hold a Master's degree in Biology before they start the PhD study.

To apply, please send a cover letter explaining your background, skills, and motivation for this position, your CV, and contact details of at least one academic reference willing to provide a recommendation. Please submit your application before March 31, 2025 to Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript..

Our Research Interests

We combine in silico approaches with genome/transcriptome sequencing and advanced electron microscopy to characterize novel deep-branching lineages of microbial eukaryotes, their metabolism, cellular and molecular peculiarities. See our publications.